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Name Seventh Continent
Placement specification common stock
Placement type IPO
Subscription type Public offering
Start of placement 01.11.2004
Status Completed
End of placement 12.11.2004
Placement amount 8 400 000
Placement volume, mln. USD 81
Upper bound, USD 10.25
Lower bound, USD 9.20
Offering price, USD 9.59
Price change from the placement date -60.17%
Trading floor RTS
Investment banks Deutsche Bank, Merrill Lynch
Capitalisation at the moment of placement, mln. USD 621
Country of operation Russia
Industry Retail and consumer sector


JSC «The Seventh Continent» was founded in 1994 and is an international retail chain and one of the leaders in the Russian retail market. The stores of the chain offer their customers a wide range of goods and services of high quality, with a flexible price policy, always meeting the demands of the market and being high-tech retail sites.

Seventh Continent is one of the first Russian multi-format retail chains. Operations in several formats allows us not only to continuously expand the scope of our activities, but also to improve the competitiveness of our stores, while broadening the range of our loyal customers, who have a variety of shopping preferences and income levels.

Stores of the Company: "The Seventh Continent - Five Stars", "The Seventh Continent - Universam", "The Seventh Continent - Next Door", "The Seventh Continent - Gastronomy", "NASH Hypermarket" (OUR Hypermarket), "Prostor".

About company
JSC “The Seventh Continent” was established in 1994 and today is an international retail chain and one of the leading Russian national chains. The Company operates in two major formats: supermarkets and hypermarkets. As of 31 of March 2007 the Company has stores in Moscow and Moscow region (108 supermarkets and 2 hypermarkets), in Kaliningrad region (10 supermarkets), in St-Petersburg (1 hypermarket), in Ryazan (1 hypermarket), Chelyabinsk (1 hypermarket) and in Minsk, Belorussia (1 hypermarket).

According to the audited financial statements, prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards, in 2006 total revenues of the Company were USD 957.7 mn., net income USD 67.6 mn./09.07
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Seventh Continent / SPO-1

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Stock details

Stock Seventh Continent
Type common stock
Par value, RUB 0.5
State registration number 1-02-00462-H
Announced volume 75 000 000
Free-float 0.05


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Price dynamics



|  To full statistics »
25.07.2012 1 day1m6m1y2y5y
Open, rub--------------
Low, rub--------------
High, rub--------------
Close, %--------------
W.Avg., %--------------
Bid, rub99.0000------------
Ask, rub--------------
Volume, mln. rub--------------
Year Date of record  Amount  Payment type
rub % *
2008   12.05.2009   0   0.00 %   Intermediate  
2007   02.05.2008   0   N/A   Intermediate  
2006   09.04.2007   5   0.67 %   Intermediate  
2005   24.04.2006   2   0.30 %   Intermediate  
2005   24.04.2006   2   0.30 %   Annual  

* - In % of close price for date of record