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Name HeadHunter
Placement specification ADR
Placement type IPO
Subscription type Public offering
Start of placement 26.04.2019
Status Completed
End of placement 08.05.2019
Placement amount 16 300 000
Placement volume, mln. USD 220
Upper bound, USD 11.00
Lower bound, USD 13.50
Offering price, USD 13.50
Trading floor NASDAQ
Investment banks Credit Suisse, Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, Troika Dialog, VTB Capital
Capitalisation at the moment of placement, mln. USD 837
Country of operation Azerbaijan, Belarus , Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Russia, Uzbekistan
Industry Infrastructure, Technologies, telecommunications and media

This issuer is a portfolio company at the PE&VC funds

Elbrus Capital Private Equity Fund II [Exited]
ELQ Investors VIII [Exited]

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