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Name Detskiy mir (SPO-3)
Placement specification common stock
Placement type SPO
Subscription type Public offering
Start of placement 01.09.2020
Status Completed
End of placement 02.09.2020
Placement amount 184 750 001
Placement volume, mln. USD 280
Upper bound, USD 1.52
Lower bound, USD 1.52
Offering price, USD 1.52
Price change from the placement date -35.43%
Trading floor MICEX
Investment banks Alfa Bank, Credit Suisse, Goldman Sachs, Sberbank, VTB Capital
Capitalisation at the moment of placement, mln. USD 1 133
Country of operation Belarus , Kazakhstan, Russia
Industry Retail and consumer sector

Additional information

The Offering size amounts to 184,750,001 existing shares in the Company, representing 25.00% of the Company’s share capital plus 1 share, which constitutes the Selling Shareholders’ entire shareholdings in the Company
The shares were sold at a price of RUB 112 per share.
Prior to the completion of the Offering, RCIF had a 4.62% ownership interest and Sistema had a 20.38% ownership interest, respectively, in the Company.
Following the completion of the Offering, the Selling Shareholders will cease to hold any ownership interests in the Company.
The Offering will raise gross proceeds of approximately RUB 20,692,000,112 for the Selling Shareholders, including RCIF – RUB 3,821,302,240.


Detsky Mir Group is the largest children's goods retailer in Russia and Kazakhstan. The Group comprises the Detsky Mir retail chain, the ELC (Early Learning Centre) retail chain in Russia and online stores. PJSC Detsky Mir owns the Detsky Mir trademark and manages all stores within its retail network.
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Other IPO / SPO Issuer

Children's World (IPO)
Toy Store
Detskiy mir (SPO-2)

This issuer is a portfolio company at the PE&VC funds

Russian-Chinese Investment Fund (RCIF) [Exited]

Issuer news

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Stock details

Type common stock
Par value, RUB 0.0004
State registration number 1-02-00844-A
Announced volume 739 000 000
Free-float 0.55


Quotation list:
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Quotation list:

Price dynamics



|  To full statistics »
1 month  |  3 months  |  6 months  |  1 year  |  2 years  | 
26.01.2023 1 day1m6m1y2y5y
Open, rub67.6000------------
Low, rub67.3800------------
High, rub68.4000161.96161.96161.96161.96----
Close, %67.6800 rub-26.7849-25.1659-24.5485-27.3820----
W.Avg., %67.8400 rub-26.2127-25.0387-24.5803-26.9359----
Bid, rub67.6800------------
Ask, rub67.7400------------
Volume, mln. rub27.18326 898327 249329 758333 755----
Year Date of record  Amount  Payment type
rub % *
2021   21.11.2021   5.2   N/A   Annual  
2020   05.06.2021   6.07   N/A   Intermediate  
2020   05.06.2021   6.07   N/A   Annual  
2020   22.11.2020   5.08   N/A   Annual  
2020   25.08.2020   2.5   2.05 %   Annual  

* - In % of close price for date of record