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Placement specification ADR
Placement type SPO
Subscription type Public offering
Start of placement 19.05.2021
Status Completed
End of placement 19.05.2021
Placement amount 5 970 000
Placement volume, mln. USD 309
Offering price, USD 51.71
Trading floor NASDAQ
Investment banks Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley
Country of operation Russia
Industry Retail and consumer sector, Technologies, telecommunications and media

Additional information

19.05.2021 Ozon has been notified that certain minority shareholders have sold approximately 3% of Ozon’s shares following the lock-up release in an unregistered secondary offering and have entered into a new lock-up for 45 days with respect to approximately 4% of Ozon’s ordinary shares.

This issuer is a portfolio company at the PE&VC funds

Baring Vostok Private Equity Fund [Exited]
ru-Net (RTP Global) [Exited]
Index Ventures [Exited]
Alpha Russia & CIS Secondary  [Exited]
Direct Group [Exited]
Baring Vostok Private Equity Fund V  [Exited]
Sistema Venture Capital (Sistema VC) [Holding]

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